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right outta my hair.

part 2
7:44 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 19, 2004

Ok my head hurts my back hurt my chest hurts ect. ect. ect. Why?????????????????????????


I am back home now I was at group and they kicked everyone out of the building so we just stood out side talking forever. He hasn't said anything to me really yet but he knows that I am pissed. I just have a lot to think about and I my head is hurting so bad it is crazzy. I can't even really think straight. He kept calling me talking a whole lot of bullshit. Actig like he was talking to the dail tone but called me back twice. yea right.......

I know that I am really not making since right now but I am so tired of this. I can't even work right. Pray for me cause I need Jesus and all his peoples.


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