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right outta my hair.

I worked out
9:28 p.m. - Saturday, May. 22, 2004

hello everyone thanks for stoping by.

I had a very nice night yesterday. I had my first workout yesterday at curves and it was the most fun I have every had working out. I promise no one payed me to say this. If you are a big girl like me who is ready to get in shape without worring about the skinny girls laughing at you sweat I would join curves. The whole workout only take 30 minutes it takes me longer than that to clean up the living room. The best part is after the workout I still had energy. How you like that!

Well anyway, After that I stoped by my friend Missy house to see her and her mom. Then I wanted to see the greatest movie of the summer Shrek 2. Wouldn't you know that I had to deal with mr. man. He knew we were going to the show but then at the last minute he don't wanta go. Some of my friends was coming so he was bitching about it being a bunch of girls. So he comes and you know he wants to come to see the movie but of course he wants you to beg him to come. So he comes and we're watching the movie. All into like you could be calling my name and I not hear you deep. Then the movie just stoped and didn't come back on.

We got our money back and went to IHOP. I had stuffed fench toast with eggs and bacon. It was so good. We talked and ate and had fun. The girls and him. I mean how many men do you know wouldn't like to be surrounded by women and two of them are bi.

In the mind of Cookie...

He called me silly again today. You know when he talks to me like that it really hurts me. I have been thinking... Will I really want to deal with that forever. Can I really deal with that forever. I mean I do love him but why can't I get with someone who is going to make me feel good and not bad about myself. He trys but it just doesn't work. Then sometimes things that he do just piss me off to the fullest. I don't know but I have been thinking about it a lot.

Well I am tried of typing so I will talk to you all tomorrow.

I worked out



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