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right outta my hair.

What is up with this man Pt. 1
5:08 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 19, 2004

ok tell me why my boyfriend is acting crazzy again. it's like every other day we have to go through something.A lot of the time I feel like he is trying to play with my feelings and it's kinda pissing me off. He always starts having a brakedown when I am trying to do something. Then what ends up happening is my whole day is ruined because I am thinking about him and what he calls me saying. Like today......

I get ready to go to group which I do every other week for 2-3 hours and he starts bitching about me leaving him by himself. So I leave then he calls me talking about he is tried of spending my money. Then he calls me back talking about he's kicking himself out so I said ok. Then he tells me that he is going to maybe break up with me. So I said ok

Well I have to go They kicking us out the building I will finish when I get home peace



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