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right outta my hair.

He finally read it
9:46 p.m. - Tuesday, May. 18, 2004

Ok so for the first time I let my man read my diary. I thought he was going to get all defenseive because he's always bitching about people beeing in his bussiness, but he was cool unless he was lieing. I guess he should get used to it seeing how I'm a writer and everything.

Anyway... I am still thinking about me and him and what's going on with us. We talked last night about a lot of stuff but all of my fears not not gone.

I have a lot of things to do in little time. I am trying to get all of these doctor papers together for s.s. And school and aid and childcare man. This is like a ful time job. It's not helping that I am super waek all the time.

I can do this I know I can. God will help me and see me through.

I want to take the time out to thank all of the people who read my diary I know it's not many of you but I thank you for the ones who do. Also to those of you who read my diary if you like what you read please tell others and live me a note.

He finally read it



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