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right outta my hair.

bitting my nails
8:49 p.m. - Monday, May. 17, 2004

Ok here we go........................

I am pissed off ! Like really mad why now that I am kinda unsure of. could it be because my man is a complet and udder asshole I mean really. I mean realy why in the hell have he been getting into it with me because of my money. You would think that I worked for him or something.

I think that I have been more than a good woman to him. How many women do you know that would let a man come a live with her for a whole year and not pay for a damn thing.All because he didn't feel that he was ready to go out into the work force.

I worked 10 hours a day while he did nothing but drop my son off and pick him up from school and I still came home to a dirty house wht the fuck is up with that!

I am always planing for us I opened up my heart, my home, and my life to him. I gave him my bank cards and check books even my link card with no problem. Now everytime I ask him something he tells me that he don't like people all in his bussiness. What the fuck is that?

I mean I am sitting over here pissed the fuck off and always in really bad mood. I don't like that I mean I am a reaaly nice person and I don't like for people to see me in a bad mood. I alrady have to deal with my bipolar which he does want me to take my meds for.


I mean I really really love him but I really don't know how much longer I am going to be able to take this and still have the mind to type.

Anyway thanks for listening

bitting my nails



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