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right outta my hair.

mother's wish
6:20 p.m. - Friday, May. 14, 2004

ok check this out I am so sorry that I haven't been writing I know that you all missed me if not I missed you.

Me and George have been getting into it so much latly it has really been making my head hurt. On mothers day his mother told me that I need to make him marry me. I mean I want to marry him but sometimes I wonder. Sometimes he just acts as though he could care less if I want to be with him tomorrow then sometimes he acts as though he wants to be with me forever. He can be such an ass but I don't know what I would do without him.

In other news I got sick yet again. I ha to go to the hospital wednesday because I was lossing to much blood. I don't know why and niether does the doctors which does nothing but pisses me off and stresses me even more. I am lossing all of thus blood and sleeping for three days stright but no one knows anythings thanks doc for nothing.

Talk to you later have to do hair



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