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right outta my hair.

Good mood. What?
5:33 p.m. - Monday, Feb. 02, 2004

Ok I am really happy because I just became a gold member. Ta da! Now if I can just figure out how to work this thing then I might have a chance.

- I had a very good weekend. I went to see my theripst which was ok I guess everytime I go to see her I just feel like I am wasting my time.

HER: So what has been going on?

ME: Well there has been a lot blah blah blah... (On the verge of tears)

HER: Umhum.....

Thanks DOC!

Any way I went to my 1st superbowl party and I had a ball! Which is saying something for someone like me who doesn't go anywhere or do anything.

Oh don't let me forget the best part of the weekend....THE SEX!!!


George has gotten his act together and we have been lovly dovey all weekend. If you are one of those people who don't like to see people who love each other you would have thought it was totally sick. And when we got time to be alone togther ... the biting, sratching, and ooohhhh or I'm soory I am getting off the topic. Well really I just I wasn't hahaha.

-If you can't tell I am in a good mood which I haven't been in a long time. So I am trying to ride this out for as long as I can.

Well I have to go now so I can get home thank you very much for reading.

Good mood. What?



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