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right outta my hair.

This damn class
12:18 p.m. - Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2006

Well let's see I am still in this dumb ass class from hell. But I only have to come one day this week so I guess that's good but my grant is going to be short as hell next month from all the days I am missing. Soon I will be out of thiss program anyway thank the lord and I won't have to come at all. It's getting better but it's still a pain in the ass. Anyway I go to my other job to make backup cash.In fact it looks like that's going to be my forreal cash because I am going to get like six dollars on my grant. AID is a fucking joke. Can I say that? I don't know but it's said so there.

I have a crush on this girl but she's not my type. So maybe it's not a crush. Whatever. Anyway my friend that's a guy but I like. (you understand what I'm saying right?)He has been messing with me lately, flirting with me and things. He still says that he doesn't like me like that but he's flirting. OK... Well I'm not going to push him even though his mom and my mom want us to get married I just don't know if that's going to go down. Then again maybe it will.

I am changing my school again. I know it's been like four different schools. I love my school that I am at now but I can't aford it. (and yes I know I can't spell) So I am thinking about going to the school where I was going to get my masters. It is much cheaper and It's closer to the house. The content is things that I want to know so I know that it's the rightthing to do.

Well I have to go again as always so I will talk to you people later



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