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right outta my hair.

Some of what I tried to tell you this morning.
9:02 p.m. - Monday, May. 24, 2004

Fucked up things keep happening and me with no pills..................

Ok check this out I don't have any money like none. I am trying to keep a cool about this but it is really hard. I made it to my workout even though earlier I didn't know how I was going to get there.

I worked out and spent some time with my bestest friend in the whole wide world Spicy. It's been a really long time since we have been able to talk and it feels so good to do so. I am here now typing on her computer watching Law and Order (the best show on earth). She read some of my entries and told me that I am a real writer. That's why I love her so.

In the mind of cookie...............

I am feeling the writing bug again and it feels so good I am so happy that I could just fly. Tonight I am going to write my essay for columbia and tomorrow My other friend Ice is going to read over it because as you all know I am not a very good speller.

Me and my men..............

Me and him are doing a little better I guess. We still are getting into it just not as much. Man is that sad or what it's shity just not that shity. Anyway I am kinda worried about my little man he has been without his meds for a while because the pharms is fucking up. The reason he needs more is because I let little rugrats in my house and they knocked his meds in a sink full of water. Of well let me get off of this computer and get ready to get back to my men.

Some of what I tried to tell you this morning.



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