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right outta my hair.

Hurting mean ladies everywhere
1:50 p.m. - Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004

- ok what the hell is going on with my life? No really, I'm asking you even know you have only known me (counting today) for two days because you could more than likely still come up with a better answer than me.

George left David yet again. (Enter consequences)Do you know how it feels for someone to tell you that you are a bad mother without really saying it? Well let me tell you. It pisses you off! Why well because there is really nothing you can do about it.

Mean Lady: Yes, David is still here. I thought we told you that he was suppose to be picked up at 4:00!

ME: Yes miss you did and someone was suppose to pick him up I-

Mean Lady: Aren't you his Mother?

ME: Yes I am But-

Mean Lady: We are not going to be able to put up with this type of behavior anymore.

See didn't that just piss you off.

#%cking mean lady!

-ok glad I got that out. Now let�s add that dollar a minute fee to the existing debt. Oh how I love Math!

Hurting mean ladies everywhere



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