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right outta my hair.

Ten Minutes Late
2:13 p.m. - Monday, Jan. 26, 2004

8: 51 am.

-Ok I am Tired of being mad. George came back again we talked, made up, real sappy time. Moving on!

-" Why is it that when you how your mind set to do something hell and hell water decide to come and stand in your way?"

I'm trying really hard to get to work on time. I mean I have even given myself a bedtime. Then this morning I do everything right and lo and behold the train is ten minutes late. So my good people lets guess how many minutes late I will be. Anybody?

- Why does the green line feel like a ride at six flags this morning? Oh yea because the driver is ten minutes late and is trying to catch up late.

- This nice lady on the train gave me a planer. Thank you nice lady :)

- Well back to George he needs a job. Now why can't I say that to him so easy?

I think that I am naturally drawn to crazy people. Now I know blind can't lead the blind. S why does it seem that I am supposes to lead the crazy? Don't people understand that I ain't got it all myself. They think that I am strong but no one gets that I am hanging on by a string.


- Ok so I did get to work on time. Thank God for that I will talk to you again on my lunch

-peace Cookie


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