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right outta my hair.

Let him go
3:34 p.m. - Monday, Feb. 27, 2006

What's up poeple I got rid of my stalker. Yea!!!

Well at least I think I did I told him that I can't be brothered with him. He was pissed but then called to say that he was OK. I am glad let's just hope it stays that way. He has been known to flip the page right in the middle of the story. so let's hope that goes OK.

I got offered a job a nice paying job and couldn't take it. They wanted me to spend to much time away from my baby. (Sorry, he's not a baby anymore he's a big 5 year old man.)They wanted me to work 54 hours a week plus meetings. Little man would have to move in with my mom and I would never see him. Plus after all of those hours it wasn't paying that much. I really liked the mission of the place but I just couldn't do the time.

So I am trying to get another job with the YWCA that I work for. It's a sweet job so all of you all keep your fingers crossed and send up your prayers for me. That's all I have right now peace yall.


P.S. Did you all see favor of love last night that was crazy.


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