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right outta my hair.

11:19 a.m. - Friday, Jun. 18, 2004

Ok people I have been through a lot f shit the last couple of days. I mean I am really depressed. So if this entry is all out of order that's why.

Why am I not on anyone buddy list I mean am I that boring?

No one tags me anymore.

I don't have any money what so ever but I have $700 wroth of bills.

I don't have I fucking TV! Well I have one but none of them work.

So all I have to do is sit in my house all day and look dumb.

Speaking of my house it is a fucking mess. I start to clean up then my body starts hurting and I get dizzy and have to sit the fuck back down.

I am sooooooo fucking tried of being sick. Really I am.

I mean I am so stressed I can't even stand to be around my little man that long because he starts getting on my last nevres. Do you understand how bad that makes me feel.

I need to wash clothes. No money.

I need bus fare. No money.

I want to take about 10 extra strengh pain pills and sleep for about three days but I can't do that because who is going to take care of them.

Pray for me please because I don't know how much I have left.



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